Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Vocab, HG&D, and Jolly JOYner Market

Hey hey hey!

We have some new vocabulary words this week. The assignments for these words will be due December 2 and we will have a quiz that day. The words are listed at the end of this entry.

Peak Learning contracts are due next Tuesday, November 22. We have been working on these in class for several weeks and today I encouraged students to take the assignments home to ensure they finish them by Tuesday. Please check in with your child to assess his or her progress on the learning contract.

Human Growth and Development began yesterday. Tomorrow we will be switching classes to isolate the boys and girls. We will teach them about the reproductive systems of both genders. Please remember to be "askable" this week as your children might come home with important questions. On Friday we will take a field trip to the Poe Health Center to learn more about puberty.

On December 1 from 5-9pm, just in time for the holidays and gift buying season, JYJ will be hosting the Jolly JOYner Market. Local artists and craftsmen (including yours truly) will be selling their wares. The Haiti Team will also be fundraising for this years project. Please come out for an evening of holiday cheer and great shopping.


Mr. B

Peak Vocab 5 (vocab words are marked by dashes, examples follow select words)

-Persist (v) – to continue stubbornly or firmly in an opinion or action despite difficulty, opposition or failure
Ex. Despite frequent failures, the inventor persisted in creating his flying skateboard.
-Spite (v) – deliberately or intentionally hurt, annoy or offend someone.
Ex. The golf course maintenance man spited the geese by yelling obscenities at them after they left him presents all over his course.
-Overzealous (adj) – excessively, overly excited
Ex. Fans of musician, kids on Halloween, winners of the lottery, World series winners, sports fans
-Deport (v) – to expel, or kick out, of a country
Ex. The traveler got deported after the authorities found he had overstayed his visa.
-Rouse (v) – wake something up; awaken
Ex. The bright sunlight streaming through the large windows roused the man from his deep slumber.
-Envious (adj) – showing an unhappy want for someone else’s possessions, qualities or luck
Ex. The peasant was envious of the Duke’s fine clothing.
-Dreaded (adj) – regarded with great fear or apprehension; something not wanted to happen
Ex. The dreaded EOG’s brought a terrible feeling to the boy’s stomach.
-Corpse (n) – a dead body
-Water Cycle (n) – the continuous movement of water between the Earth’s surface and the air, changing from liquid to gas to liquid to gas to liquid etc.
-Evaporation (n) – the changing of a liquid to a gas
-Condensation (n) – the changing of a gas to a liquid when molecules come closer together
-Precipitation (n) – any form of water molecule that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the ground
-Infiltration (n) – when precipitation soaks into the ground and becomes ground water
-Transpiration (n) – loss of water from plant leaves when they “exhale” oxygen. Similar to evaporation because water is released as vapor
-Vapor (n) – a liquid in gaseous form

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